Playing football
one game at a time

The Elephant Cup 2020
On the 18th December, the last Friday before the 2020 Christmas break, Enjoy Football CIC invited some of Warrington’s Men’s mental health groups to compete in the Elephant Cup, a mini football fours round robin tournament to not only celebrate the official launch of the #OneGameAtaTIme sessions but the hard work that many of the groups have put in throughout an exceedingly difficult last 12 months.
Taking part in the tournament were five teams of 5 players (to allow substitutions) from Offload, Directions for Men, Talk Hub, MENergy and a collaboration of Enjoy Football, Fit to Tackle and MoveMENt (Fit to Enjoy Football).
Each team played every other team once and over the course of 10 exciting competitive games, there was an abundance of fiercely fought out battles and dazzling skills on display with plenty of goals.
Talk Hub came out as the eventual winners and have vowed to defend the Cup which will be held every 3 months.
The night was fantastic with a great atmosphere and everyone who took part left exhausted but with smiles on their faces. We cannot wait until Easter 2021 when we go again, Covid permitting.

photographs from the tournament

photographs from the tournament